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How to Take Care of Your Child’s Teeth

June 30, 2016

dentist for kids in long island cityYour child’s smile is so precious, and seeing it is probably one of the best parts of your day. Make sure those little teeth stay as healthy as possible by helping her maintain excellent dental hygiene! Your dentist for kids in Long Island City is Dr. Capozzi. When should your little one visit the dentist? And how can you help prevent cavities in children’s teeth? We’ve got the answers to these and other important questions below.

When Your Child Should Visit the Dentist

We recommend that children have their first visit to the dentist around the time of their first birthday, or no more than six months after the eruption of their first tooth. This initial appointment is important for preventing cavities and introducing your child to a lifetime of good dental hygiene habits. Having positive experiences at the dentist from a young age can help her realize there’s nothing to be afraid of at the dentist’s office — and a lifetime of healthy dental habits are likely to follow.

Preventing Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

During your child’s initial visit to the dentist, we can discuss steps you can take to make sure her little teeth don’t develop baby bottle tooth decay. These cavities are caused when the sugars in milk, formula, and fruit juices are allowed to linger on the surface of a young child’s teeth.

To prevent baby bottle tooth decay, keep the following in mind.

  • Never allow your child to fall asleep with a bottle in her mouth
  • Clean and massage your baby’s gums with a washcloth after feeding
  • Brush your baby’s first teeth with a soft toothbrush and water

Brushing and Flossing Your Child’s Teeth

Your child will be able to brush her own teeth by the time she can tie her shoes. Until then, help her brush and floss her teeth every night — focusing on each quadrant of the mouth for 30 seconds at a time. Even after she reaches age six, she’ll require your close supervision until you’re confident that she is cleaning thoroughly with every single brush.

If you meet reluctance in developing your little one’s dental hygiene routine, consider making brushing a family affair. She’s more likely to enjoy brushing and flossing if everyone else is doing it, too.

Dental Sealants and Fluoride Treatments

As your child gets older, your children’s dentist in Long Island City will likely recommend dental sealants and fluoride treatments to provide extra protection from tooth decay. Dental sealants are applied in a quick and painless procedure, and can shield the molars from cavities for years after their application. Fluoride treatments strengthen tooth enamel against the plaque, tartar, and acids that cause cavities.

Schedule a Children’s Appointment Today!

When was your little one’s last appointment with the dentist in Long Island City? If it’s been more than six months, it’s time for you to schedule a preventive checkup and cleaning. Your child’s smile is counting on you! Contact us to request her appointment today.

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