Now that you’ve finally perfected your teeth with cosmetic dentistry, you’re probably excited to show off your new, beautiful smile. Now that flaws in your teeth won’t hold you back, you can let go of the fear of judgment that you’ve carried with you for so long.
Did you know that a happy grin does much more than boost your confidence, though? It also has a physical impact on your body that benefits you in several ways. Keep reading to learn 4 reasons that smiling is good for your health!
Perk #1: Enhance Immunity
It’s cold and flu season and it seems like everyone is missing school or work due to illness. With so many unhealthy germs being passed around, your immune system will be working overtime. Fortunately, the act of lifting your lips releases special neurotransmitters in your brain that help your body relax. This in turn increases the efficiency of your immune system. If you have a lingering cough that you just can’t kick, try to smile about it.
Perk #2: Pain Relief
If you’ve had an accident or have a chronic source of pain, try turning your frown upside down. Smiling does more than simply soothe your soul. It also triggers your system to emit endorphins, serotonin, and natural painkillers that travel throughout your entire body. The adage ‘grin and bear it’ suddenly takes on a new meaning!
Perk #3: Lower Blood Pressure
A happy smile often comes with laughing out loud which can reduce your blood pressure. As you inhale before a guffaw, your provide your body with a sudden intake of oxygen-rich air that briefly stimulates your muscles, lungs, and heart. This also results in a quick increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Then, when you exhale and let go of your laughter, your body cools down just as fast which decreases your blood pressure and leaves you with a sense of calm.
Perk #4: Alleviate Stress
Whether you’re slammed with end-of-the-year assignments at work or school or are worried about finding all the right gifts for everyone you love, you’re probably feeling some additional pressure this time of year. Thankfully, grinning can reverse the effect by encouraging your body to release dopamine to combat the extra stress. Even if you don’t feel happy at first, the physical act of lifting the corners of your lips can trick your body into believing you are.
With so many advantages to smiling, feel free to show off your newly restored teeth at every opportunity!
About the Practice
At LIC Dental Associates, patients of all ages benefit from a team of dental experts who provide a full range of services, including cosmetic dentistry. Our dentists know that everyone is unique and strive to offer customized and comprehensive care to meet your individual needs. They believe in stress-free visits and provide a range of top-tier amenities like hot neck wraps and a beverage bar to put you at ease. You’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (718) 530-6539.